EXTENDED Gloucester City Plan consultation

Gloucester City Plan, Gloucester Cathedral, consultation, planning policy

Gloucester City Council has now agreed to consult on a draft emerging Gloucester City Plan (GCP) (Regulation 19). This proposed version will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The consultation of the draft emerging Local Plan will take place from 7th November to 14th February 2020. This consultation has been extended due to the publication of further evidence.

The GCP will be the Borough’s Local Plan and will sit alongside the policies set out in the JCS (Joint Core Strategy). Please note that the GCP deals mainly with site allocations and development management policies.

The development management section includes policies to support the delivery of purpose-built student accommodation, self-build and custom house building, economic growth, tourism, housing and employment. From an employment land perspective, the JCS identified a figure of 192 hectares across the three local authority areas.

Gloucester has a limited supply of land for development and the role of the GCP is to identify site allocations that can contribute to delivering development. In terms of housing, the adopted JCS identifies a need of 14,359 new homes for Gloucester between 2011 and 2031.

Approximately 34% of these will be delivered through strategic allocations in Tewkesbury Borough. Most of the remainder have been or will be delivered within the administrative area of Gloucester City. There is a shortfall of 708 dwellings, which is being taken forward through the JCS review, which has already commenced.

Clients are advised to contact us as soon as possible if you have land proposed to be allocated in the plan, or you would like us to consider representing land not currently included in the draft emerging strategy.

Please note that at Regulation 19 comments to be submitted will be based on the four tests of soundness; effective, positively prepared, justified and consistent with national policy. The focus will be on the soundness of the plan and its compliance with national policy and/or legislation.

For further information please contact Leanne Whiteman

You can also download a copy of the draft plan here.

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