Biodiversity Net Gain explained

biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity Net Gain is mandatory on all development projects. But what exactly is BNG and what does it mean for developers and land owners?

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

The Environment Act sets out the following key components of mandatory BNG:

  • Amends Town & Country Planning Act (TCPA)
  • Minimum 10% gain required calculated using the Biodiversity Metric and approval of a BNG plan
  • Habitat secured for at least 30 years via planning obligations or conservation covenants
  • Delivered on-site, off-site or via a new statutory biodiversity credits scheme
  • National register for net gain delivery sites

What this actually means to you

We understand that this may seem complex and a little daunting, but in a nutshell …

…as a developer and land owner in England you must ensure, and evidence, that your project delivers biodiversity improvements of at least 10% which can be maintained for at least 30 years.

In other words, you should aim to leave the natural environment in a better state than it was before.

We really like this video which explains things really clearly.

How can Biodiversity Net Gain be achieved?

  • By contributing to enhancing the natural and local environment.
  • Minimising the impact on, and providing net gains for biodiversity – including establishing coherent ecological networks which are more resilient to current and future pressures.
  • Promoting conservation, restoration and enhancement of priority habitats, ecological networks and protection of priority species.
  • Identifying opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity and development.
  • Showing that the development’s objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity as part of the design.

Find out more

Our experience of Biodiversity Net Gain at SF Planning has highlighted many issues which cause pose a threat to your project.

We believe that it’s easier, and more cost effective, to factor biodiversity in your plans from the outset.

By creating a compelling planning application which demonstrates your knowledge and approach to BNG requirements, you’ll stand a much better chance of success.

Please get in touch with our team of experts today so that we can help ensure your project success and avoid any costly delays.

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